Abbott Delivers 2 Buses of Migrants to Kamala Harris’ Door

The governor of Texas claims his state sent two buses of migrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’ mansion in the nation’s capital. The buses resulted in a Thursday early arrival of illegal migrants that stunned volunteers who claimed they weren’t prepared to greet them there.

Republicans and 911 Family Members Outrage Over Possible Plea Deal

Republicans are blasting President Joe Biden for proposing to provide plea bargains to 9/11 plotters, including admitted mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed, to avoid the death penalty. At Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where Mohammed and four other co-defendants have been imprisoned for about 20 years awaiting trial, prosecutors and the defense may reach an agreement that prevents prosecutors from seeking the death penalty.

Public Emergency Declared as More Buses of Migrants Arrive from Texas

Mayor Muriel Bowser called a public health emergency on Thursday because thousands of migrants from Arizona and Texas were coming to the nation’s capital by bus. Bowser told reporters at a news conference about a new government office designed to help migrants who arrived in Washington D.C. seeking asylum.

Biden’s controversial taxes for thee but not for me

The fate of the Biden proposal depends on the midterm elections this autumn. If Republicans capture either the House or the Senate, it would undoubtedly result in an impasse on significant tax issues, as the Republican Party’s anti-tax-increase attitude conflicts with Biden’s objectives.

Similarly, given Biden’s veto authority, it would be difficult for Republicans to reduce taxes, take back additional Internal Revenue Service budget, or reverse the handful of corporate tax increases enacted by Congress, say, experts.

Can AOC’s, Tax the Rich Mantra Actually happen?

Corruption of Executive Authority by the Biden

In 2019, when Congress refused to pay for a wall on the Mexican border, former President Donald Trump declared a national emergency. Democrats accused him of trampling on the separation of powers in the Constitution. The move “clearly violates Congress’s exclusive power of the purse,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said. A future Democratic president could use the same tactic to fund their priorities, according to some Republicans.

Biden looks at Tariffs on Chinese Imports

Due to team divisions and his own caution, Mr. Biden has put off a decision for months, while other issues, such as the war in Ukraine and the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act, have taken precedence.

Elections- Control of the House not a Slam Dunk for Republicans

As Democrats try to close the gap, analysts cited a number of factors that are helping them. There are many reasons, including the fight over abortion access, a weak Republican candidate in a crucial race, investigations into former President Donald Trump, and a recent drop in gasoline prices. Republicans appeared more out of reach than last year in districts that Mr. Biden carried by at least ten percentage points.

DeSantis Considers Busing Migrants to Delaware

According to DeSantis, we have to get Biden out of office. Over the summer, DeSantis signed a bill penalizing federal contractors for dumping illegal immigrants in the state. Meanwhile, DeSantis has long teased sending illegal immigrants to sanctuary areas.