Breaking: House Passes $14.3 Billion Aid Bill to Israel, Cuts Funding to the IRS

The House of Representatives has passed a bill providing $14.3 billion in Funding to Israel to support its ongoing conflict with the Hamas and Hezbollah terror groups. The measure received 226 votes in favor and 196 votes against, with 12 Democrats joining Republicans in support and only two Republicans voting against. The Funding, which the Biden administration requested, was approved with the condition that an equal amount be cut from the IRS budget under the …

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Defense Department’s Stark Warning: U.S. Aid for Ukraine on the Verge of Running Out

The U.S. Department of Defense has informed Congress of its depleting resources set aside for replenishing weapons previously sent to Ukraine. Michael McCord, the Pentagon’s Chief Financial Officer, revealed that of the $25.9 billion Congress had sanctioned for refilling the U.S. military inventory sent to Ukraine, only $1.6 billion remains. This inventory includes essential artillery, rockets, and missiles that Ukraine relies on for its operations against Russian advances. McCord stressed the critical nature of the …

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Democrats’ Desperate Debt Dance: Playing Politics with Taxpayer Money

As the student debt crisis looms, Democrats on Capitol Hill have been pressuring President Joe Biden to fulfill his student loan debt relief pledge. With interest rates set to kick in soon, it’s crucial to remember the importance of fiscal responsibility and the potential burden on taxpayers. In a recent letter to President Biden, several Democrats expressed disappointment in the Supreme Court’s decision to prioritize the rule of law over political interests. The court had …

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Top Republican Uncovers the Impact of China’s Growing Strength in South America

An influential Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee recently returned from Latin America, where he met with government officials to discuss threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party. Texas Republican August Pfluger led a congressional delegation to South American countries, including Brazil, Colombia, and Panama. Representatives from both the public and private sectors met with lawmakers. They were given briefings by law enforcement authorities from several countries and given a tour of the Darien Gap region.   There …

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House Is Expected To Vote On The $4.5 Trillion Limit, Save, Grow Act.

The Act, announced last week by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), is the GOP’s first attempt to bring Democrats and the Biden administration to the table after little movement in the previous three months. It would raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion, or until March 31, 2020, whichever comes first.

Here’s Why Democrats Are Trying To The Crash Stock Markets

Several Republicans, notably Steve Bannon and Lou Dobbs, are warning that the Democrats are arranging for the stock market to collapse on the day House Republicans vote not to raise the debt ceiling. It is believed the Biden Administration will declare a temporary “default” on U.S. debt, the stock and bond markets will collapse, and Republicans will be blamed.

Biden’s Push for Electric Vehicles, Sparks Controversy 

several prominent Republican politicians and organizations representing the energy business lashed out at the Biden administration for announcing stringent new restrictions that will crack down on pollution from gasoline-powered vehicles.

Is This The End Of The Dollar?

Is this the end of the dollar? Or at least the dollar as it exists today. Because the dollar is currently considered the world’s reserve currency, central banks, and foreign corporations have held significant amounts of it to settle international trade and financial transactions since the end of World War II. In recent years, the dollar has strengthened against other major currencies, such as the Japanese yen and the British pound, as other countries struggled to recover from the lockdown-induced recession.