Tradebe Facility Fire Investigation Expected to Take Weeks, Not Likely Criminal Incident

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – A three-alarm fire and explosions at the Tradebe Facility last week have prompted an ongoing investigation that is expected to take several weeks. Despite the severity of the incident, officials have stated that they do not believe it to be a criminal act. Fishing in the area remains prohibited as tests on the water continue. The incident occurred on Bishop Avenue, East Avenue Cross Street of Bridgeport around 1:54 p.m. Friday. Initially …

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Bridgeport Mayor Calls for Regulatory Reform After Explosion at Tradebe Environmental Services

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. – Following a recent explosion at Tradebe Environmental Services on Cross Street, Mayor Joe Ganim is pushing for regulatory reform on certain types of facilities near residential areas. The explosion, which occurred on Friday, triggered a large blast after a driver opened a valve while delivering about 4,000 gallons of “low-grade oxidizer.” It led to several smaller explosions, leaving three people injured. Two of the injured have since been released from the hospital, …

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