A Mother’s Struggle: 3rd Year After Son’s Senseless Death

Paterson, New Jersey – The grief and frustration of a mother in Paterson continues as she seeks justice for her son, Robert Cuadra, who was tragically killed in a street shootout two years ago. Cuadra, an 18-year-old high school honor student with a college scholarship, was caught in the crossfire while bringing groceries to his grandmother’s home on a Wednesday evening. The heartbreaking incident occurred on Godwin Avenue, a street known for its involvement in the city’s drug gang conflicts.

Ivernis Santiago, Cuadra’s mother, shared her anguish, expressing how the memories of her son’s death have made it difficult for her to visit her mother’s home. Despite the initial tributes and outpouring of support for Cuadra, Santiago feels that the attention and concern have since waned, leaving her to cope with the loss on her own.

The case against the three young men charged with Cuadra’s murder has been marred by delays and legal maneuvering. The defense attorneys have been pushing to dispute key pieces of evidence, including a statement made by one of the accused and DNA test results from a water bottle found at the crime scene. Santiago, however, remains unconvinced by the plea bargains offered to the accused, fearing that a lenient sentence would not serve as justice for her son’s death.

The frustration deepens as home security cameras captured the shooting on video, yet the identity of the killer remains elusive, and the lack of progress in the case adds to Santiago’s anguish. Despite her efforts to relocate her family and cope with the grief, the tragic loss of Cuadra has been compounded by another shooting in her extended family.

As the community in Paterson reflects on Cuadra’s legacy, his mother remains determined to seek justice, holding on to the memories of her son and the pain of his absence in their lives. The emotional toll of the loss is evident as Santiago’s younger sons miss their late brother, highlighting the lasting impact of the tragedy on the family.

The quest for justice continues, as Santiago and her loved ones grapple with the aftermath of Cuadra’s untimely death. The story serves as a painful reminder of the lingering trauma and heartache experienced by those affected by senseless acts of violence.