Woman Charged With Animal Cruelty After Dogs Found in Deplorable Conditions in Kentucky

Louisville, Kentucky – A 52-year-old woman faces charges of animal cruelty after eight dogs were found living in deplorable conditions at a house in Louisville, Kentucky. Vallary Amato, the woman responsible for caring for the dogs, allegedly neglected them, leaving them in a room covered in feces and devoid of socialization.

Neighbors raised concerns about the foul smell and incessant barking coming from the property, prompting them to report the situation to Louisville Metro Animal Services. After several visits, the dogs were finally removed from the home in November.

Court records revealed the horrifying conditions the dogs had been subjected to, leading to Amato being charged with eight counts of animal cruelty and one violation of a local ordinance. She has been ordered not to have any contact with animals.

The rescued dogs have been cleaned and placed with foster families as they take their first steps towards recovery. The investigation is ongoing, and it remains unclear whether the home’s owners will be held accountable for their role in this case of animal neglect.

In a shocking discovery, eight dogs were found abandoned in a house in Louisville, Kentucky, living in unimaginable conditions. The woman responsible for their care faces charges of animal cruelty, and the fate of the home’s owners remains uncertain as the investigation continues.