Man jailed for 12 years after “terrifyingly violent” sexual attack on teenage girl in North Yorkshire

Whitby, North Yorkshire – A convicted rapist was sentenced to 12 years in prison for a brutal sexual assault on a teenage girl in North Yorkshire. Dwayne Anthony Rhoden, 34, enticed the victim to his rented bedsit in Whitby on a Sunday night in August 2023, before initiating the violent attack. Authorities reported that the victim managed to escape after one hour and called for help early the following morning. Rhoden was promptly arrested and …

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Terrifyingly Real: 25 Best Horror Movies Based on True Stories Revealed

Atlanta, Georgia – Fans of horror movies often relish the adrenaline rush that comes with watching a spine-tingling thriller. But what if the story is based on real events? This adds an extra layer of terror and intrigue, blurring the lines between fiction and reality. Here are some of the most terrifying horror movies inspired by true stories. One famous example is The Exorcist, inspired by the 1949 case of a boy in Maryland who …

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