Stellar Flashback: ESA Captures Supernova Shine in the Heart of Galaxy LEDA 22057

From the European Space Agency’s most recent celestial observation comes a striking image of a distant galaxy, LEDA 22057, situated about 650 million light-years away in the constellation Gemini. At the heart of this galaxy glimmers a pale blue dot, identified as the supernova SN 2024PI, a dramatic stellar explosion that has captivated astronomers since its discovery in January 2024. The discovery of SN 2024PI was made possible by an automated survey that meticulously scans …

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Skywatch Alert: Betelgeuse Poised to Illuminate the Cosmos with a Spectacular Supernova Show

As stars like our sun sputter to the end of their life cycles, arching across the cosmos without much spectacle, the universe braces for the rare and extraordinary demise of much larger stars. These giants go out not with a whimper, but a stupendous bang in the form of a supernova, illuminating galaxies with their death throes. For anyone gazing up at the night sky, such an event offers a rare dramatic vision, and scientists …

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Next Supernova Could Decode Dark Matter Mystery, Says UC Berkeley Physicists

Berkeley, California—Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley have proposed an intriguing solution to one of astronomy’s most elusive problems: the nature of dark matter. According to new research by the team, the detection of gamma rays from neutron stars following supernova explosions could potentially confirm the existence and properties of axions, hypothetical particles believed to be a primary component of dark matter. For years, the composition of dark matter has puzzled scientists. Making up …

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Astronomers Unveil 3D Map of Supernova Remnant’s Dazzling Filaments, Revealing Insights into Ancient Cosmic Explosion

Mauna Kea, Hawaii — In a groundbreaking discovery, astronomers using the Keck Cosmic Web Imager at the W. M. Keck Observatory have unlocked new insights into a celestial event that puzzled observers nearly a millennium ago. The event, a supernova witnessed in 1181 and long known as SN 1181, was recorded by Chinese and Japanese astronomers of the era as a dazzling “guest star” that briefly outshone other celestial bodies in the constellation Cassiopeia. The …

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Astronomers Uncover Long-Lasting Pre-Explosion Activity in SN 2023fyq Supernova

California, USA – An international team of astronomers recently discovered a Type Ibn supernova called SN 2023fyq and conducted extensive observations to understand its precursor activity. The results of their study, published on the pre-print server arXiv, revealed intriguing details about the supernova’s behavior before its explosion. Supernovae are significant astronomical events that provide crucial insights into the life cycle of stars and galaxies. They are classified into different types based on their atomic spectra, …

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Brightest Supernova Ever Recorded Challenges Beliefs on Creation of Heavy Metals

Chicago, Illinois – Gold and platinum have long been revered as the most precious and expensive metals on Earth, with their scarcity and high value. These metals, along with uranium, are believed to originate from colossal solar explosions known as supernovas. However, a recent discovery challenges this long-held belief, as the brightest-ever cosmic explosion recorded in 2022 revealed no traces of gold or platinum. The supernova burst, originating from a galaxy 2.4 billion light-years away, …

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Amateur Astronomer Captures Rare Supernova Explosion in Pinwheel Galaxy

Los Angeles, California – Catching a supernova in action is a rare and challenging event in the world of astronomy. These explosive events, which mark the death of a massive star, are unpredictable and occur infrequently both within our Milky Way galaxy and in galaxies beyond. In fact, within the Milky Way, supernovae occur only about once a century, with the last observed event dating back to 1604. However, last year, a Japanese amateur astronomer …

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Rare Stardust Particle Unlocks Secrets of Distant Star’s Explosive Supernova Death

Houston, Texas – Scientists in Houston, Texas have made an extraordinary discovery, finding a rare stardust particle that originated from a distant star’s explosive supernova demise. This particular speck of stardust is encased within an ancient meteorite, offering a glimpse into the cosmic history spanning nearly 13.8 billion years. The minute grain of stardust serves as a celestial time capsule, shedding light on the life, death, and rebirth of stars throughout the cosmos. Additionally, this …

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Astronomers Capture Unprecedented View of Supernova Remnant N132D, Blasting Valuable Elements into Space

TOKYO, Japan – In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have captured an unprecedented view of the exploded star, supernova remnant N132D, located 160,000 light-years away. This star, which was 15 times bigger than our sun, exploded 3,000 years ago, blasting valuable elements like iron, calcium, sulfur, silicon, and argon into space. A powerful new observatory orbiting Earth, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency-led XRISM (X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission), in collaboration with NASA, detected the remnants of …

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