Major Retailers Remove Weighted Sleepwear for Infants Due to Safety Concerns

Atlanta, Georgia – Major retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Target have recently taken action by removing a controversial weighted sleepwear product from their shelves. This decision comes after multiple warnings about the potential dangers of these products, particularly in relation to infant safety. Medical experts have raised concerns about the use of weighted products on infants, citing risks of reduced oxygen saturation levels and potential harm to the developing brain or even death. The Consumer …

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Major Retailers Voluntarily Halt Sale of Children’s Water Beads Due to Safety Concerns

WASHINTON D.C. – Three major retailers, Amazon, Target, and Walmart, have chosen to stop the sale of water beads that were marketed towards children after growing concerns from government officials, lawmakers, and health professionals. Water beads are small, highly absorbent polymer balls that can grow up to 100 times their original size when exposed to liquid. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued warnings about the potential health risks associated with these beads, as they …

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