Computer Simulations Unravel Mysteries of Cannibal Neutron Stars’ Explosive Behavior

Astrophysicists in Stony Brook, New York, are delving into the chaotic nature of cannibal neutron stars through advanced computer simulations. Neutron stars, which are remnants of massive stars that have exploded in a supernova, exhibit extreme density, packing immense mass into a tiny sphere up to 2.3 times that of the Sun. These ultra-dense objects can provide valuable insights into how matter behaves under extreme conditions. By studying X-ray bursts produced when neutron stars accrete …

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Breathtaking Neutron Star Explosion Amazes Scientists

Helena, Montana – Scientists recently observed a rare neutron star explosion known as a kilonova, shedding light on the origins of heavy elements in the universe. This groundbreaking event took place about 11 billion light-years away, providing astronomers with valuable insights into the processes that create elements like gold and platinum. Neutron stars are incredibly dense remnants of massive stars that have gone supernova. When two neutron stars orbit each other and eventually merge, a …

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Study in The Astrophysical Journal Investigates the Risks & Spectacular Nature of Neutron Star Collisions

Cincinnati, Ohio – The universe is a host to some of the most breathtaking events in science, with neutron star collisions ranking at the top. These collisions, known as kilonovas, are incredibly powerful and awe-inspiring cosmic phenomena that can have widespread effects in the universe. A recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal has shed light on the nature of kilonovas and the potential risks they pose to life on Earth. Kilonovas occur when two …

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