Debunking the Myths: Exploring the Facts Behind India’s Muslim Population Growth Narratives

New Delhi, India — A prevailing narrative in India often contends with the notion of a rapidly increasing Muslim population poised to upset the demographic balance. This perspective has fueled discussions and policy considerations that hinge on the belief in a demographic shift driven by differing reproductive rates among religious communities. However, substantial data and demographic studies challenge this narrative, painting a more complex and nuanced picture of population dynamics in India. India, home to …

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Eid Day Tragedy: Christian Association Sanctions Church Following Violent Attack on Muslim Family in Oyo State

Iseyin, Nigeria — A violent confrontation on Eid day, involving members of the Christ Apostolic Church and a local Muslim family, has ignited a wave of condemnation and prompted actions from religious and community leaders in Oyo State. The incident, which rapidly gained traction after being recorded and shared on social media, showcased a physical altercation purportedly over religious practices in the Iseyin locality. Local authorities reported that the altercation ensued when a pastor and …

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Los Angeles-based Muslim advocacy group condemns Beverly Hills school district’s handling of student involved in violent UCLA attacks

Los Angeles, CA – The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Greater Los Angeles condemned the Beverly Hills Unified School District (BHUSD) for their lack of response to a student involved in violent attacks at UCLA. CAIR-LA demanded that the district’s superintendent cancel his upcoming trip to Israel and stop inviting Israeli Military soldiers to speak to students. The student identified as Edan On was reportedly part of a pro-Israel group that violently attacked peaceful …

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Violent Attack on Foreign Muslim Students Leads to Arrests at Gujarat University

AHMEDABAD, INDIA – Police in the state of Gujarat in Western India have apprehended five individuals in connection with a violent assault on international students at Gujarat University. The attack occurred as the students, hailing from various nations, were observing special prayers during the holy month of Ramadan outside their university hostel. The incident left several students injured, with two individuals from Sri Lanka and Tajikistan requiring hospitalization due to severe injuries sustained in the …

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Man Found Guilty of Murdering 3 Muslim Men in Albuquerque

Albuquerque, New Mexico – A suspect accused of the murder of three Muslim men in Albuquerque has been found guilty and convicted of their deaths. The verdict was reached after a trial that shed light on a gruesome crime that shocked the community. The suspect, whose identity has not been disclosed, was found guilty of the brutal killings that occurred in the city. The victims, Muslim men, were reportedly targeted in what authorities described as …

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Tragic Incident: Muslim patient allegedly shoots Jewish dentist in California

A tragic incident unfolded in the city of San Francisco, California, when a Jewish dentist was fatally shot by a Muslim patient during a routine appointment. The shocking attack has left the local community in disbelief and mourning the loss of Dr. Jacob Weissman. Authorities were alerted to the scene by frantic staff members who witnessed the violent act. The suspect, identified as a 32-year-old male, was apprehended by police shortly after fleeing the dentist’s …

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Judge’s Ruling Declares Killer of London Muslim Family Committed Terrorism, Calling It a ‘Textbook Case’

LONDON, Ontario – A judge in London, Ontario, ruled that the actions of Nathaniel Veltman, who was convicted of murder and attempted murder after driving his truck into five members of the Afzaal family, amounted to terrorism under Canadian law. The judge stated that it was a “textbook case of terrorist activity.” Veltman, 23, was found guilty of four counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder by a jury in Windsor, Ontario, …

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Irish Muslim Council Chairperson Brutally Attacked in Dublin, Denounces Hate Crime

DUBLIN, IRELAND – The Chairperson of the Irish Muslim Council, Shaykh Dr. Umar Al-Qadri, has reported being the victim of a hate crime after he was viciously attacked in the Tallaght area of South Co Dublin. Dr. Al-Qadri stated that he had arranged to meet two individuals, only to be set upon in what he believes was a planned attack. According to his social media post, Dr. Al-Qadri expressed his gratitude to the Irish individuals …

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Family Members of Muslim Family Murdered by Nathaniel Veltman Share Heartbreak and Resilience at Sentencing Hearing in Ontario

LONDON, Ontario – Family members of the Afzaals, a Muslim family tragically murdered in a vehicle attack by Nathaniel Veltman, are sharing their stories of loss, grief, pain, and resilience at a sentencing hearing in London, Ont. Two days have been set aside for victim impact statements due to the large number of family members and friends willing to share how the events of June 6, 2021 have impacted their lives. Veltman drove his truck …

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