Father Calls for Urgent Safety Measures After E-Bike Battery Explosion Tragically Kills Family

Cambridge, England – A father in Cambridge, England, mourns the loss of his partner and two young children in a tragic fire caused by an e-bike battery explosion. Scott Peden is now advocating for urgent safety measures to prevent such devastating incidents from happening again. One year has passed since the fatal fire that claimed the lives of Gemma, 31, Lilly, 8, and Oliver, 4, along with the family’s two dogs. The incident left Mr. …

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Father Calls for Urgent Safety Measures After Tragic E-Bike Battery Explosion

Cambridge, United Kingdom – Scott Peden endured the tragic loss of his partner Gemma, along with their two young children, Lilly and Oliver, after an e-bike battery purchased online exploded and sparked a devastating fire. The incident not only claimed the lives of his loved ones but also left Peden in a coma for a month, with lasting injuries. Approaching the one-year mark since the heartbreaking fire, Peden shared the profound impact it has had …

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