Caste-Based Discrimination: Dalit Groom Attacked in Madhya Pradesh, While Rajput Community Honors Dalit Bride in Rajasthan

Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – Caste-based discrimination against Dalits during wedding processions continues to be a prevalent issue in India, with recent incidents shedding light on the stark contrast in treatment between different communities. In Gwalior, a Dalit groom faced a violent attack by individuals fueled by casteist sentiments, leading to a disturbing disruption of his wedding procession. The assailants, reportedly agitated by the procession passing their residence, resorted to despicable actions such as vandalizing the …

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Family’s Heartbreak as Bride is Tragically Pushed to Her Death by Controlling Husband, Uncle Shares Devastation

Edinburgh, Scotland – As Shahid Farouk watched his beloved niece Fawziyah Javed walk down the aisle with her “arrogant” fiancĂ©, little did he know that his loving text advising her to “work on your marriage” would later haunt him. Fawziyah, 31 and pregnant, tragically met her demise after being pushed to her death from Arthur’s Seat by her controlling husband, Kashif Anwar, 29, on September 2, 2021. Shahid, a grieving uncle from Leeds, is now …

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