Mother of Michigan School Shooter Denies Responsibility, Wishes Son Had Targeted Them Instead

Oxford, Michigan – The mother of the accused Michigan school shooter has denied any responsibility for her son’s actions and has expressed a wish that he “had killed us instead”. This statement came after the tragic events at Oxford High School, where a 15-year-old boy opened fire, killing four students and injuring seven others.

During the press conference, the mother’s attorney revealed that she had left the family home the night before the shooting due to concerns about her son’s behavior. The attorney also stated that the mother was fully cooperating with the investigation and was devastated by the events that occurred. However, the attorney did not clarify whether the mother was aware of her son’s access to the firearm used in the shooting.

The tragic incident has reignited the debate on gun control laws in the United States, with many calling for stricter regulations on firearm ownership and storage. Some critics have pointed out the need for improved mental health support and early intervention programs to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.

Meanwhile, the devastated community of Oxford is mourning the loss of the young victims and grappling with the trauma caused by the shooting. Vigils and memorials have been organized to honor the lives of the students who were senselessly killed, and counseling services have been made available to those affected by the tragedy.

As the investigation into the shooting continues, authorities are working to understand the motive behind the attack and to ensure that all individuals involved are held accountable for their actions. The events at Oxford High School have sparked a nationwide conversation about school safety and the well-being of students, prompting calls for proactive measures to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.