Man Indicted for Plotting Attack at Bad Bunny Show to Spark Race War

Atlanta, Georgia – A 58-year-old Arizona man has been indicted by a federal grand jury after allegedly planning a violent attack at a Bad Bunny concert in Atlanta to spark a race war ahead of the upcoming presidential election. Mark Adams Prieto faces charges of firearms trafficking, transfer of a firearm for use in a hate crime, and possession of an unregistered firearm following a lengthy investigation by the FBI.

Authorities began looking into Prieto after a confidential source reported his intentions to incite a race war in the lead-up to the presidential election. The source revealed that Prieto had made disturbing comments advocating for a mass shooting targeting Black people, Jews, and Muslims.

Prieto, a vendor at gun shows, allegedly traded personal guns in cash or swap deals to avoid detection by authorities. He believed that martial law would be implemented after the election and sought to carry out the attack as a precursor to it, expressing readiness to harm a large number of individuals.

The FBI surveilled Prieto for several months, during which he allegedly discussed plans for a mass shooting targeting Black people at a rap concert in Atlanta. Prieto emphasized his desire to leave behind confederate flags to convey a message of retaliation and hostility towards African Americans.

Despite Prieto’s initial insistence on carrying out the attack, he was later arrested in New Mexico. Authorities found multiple firearms, including an unregistered short-barreled rifle, in his possession. Each charge against him carries significant penalties, including the possibility of up to 15 years in prison.

The planned attack was scheduled for Bad Bunny’s concerts at State Farm Arena in Atlanta in May. However, Prieto claimed he did not ultimately intend to proceed with the violent act. The musician’s team did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the situation.