Explosion at Beekeeping Farm in Azerbaijan Leaves Beekeeper Injured and Prompts Safety Warning

The explosion of a military device at a beekeeping farm in Chartar village of the Khojavend district has left a beekeeper injured, according to the press service of the Internal Affairs Ministry. The Mine Action Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA) provided details of the incident, revealing that the explosion occurred when the beekeeper, identified as Samir Alasgarov, born in 1996, touched the detonator of a hand grenade he found on the ground while collecting beehives.

As a result of the explosion, Alasgarov suffered injuries to his right hand, leading to the amputation of three fingers. ANAMA has issued a warning to citizens, urging them to adhere to safety rules, avoid touching unfamiliar objects, and pay attention to all danger signs in the area.

The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by unexploded military devices in the region, emphasizing the importance of public awareness and caution. The situation also highlights the need for thorough clearance and awareness efforts to mitigate the risks associated with explosive remnants of war in civilian areas.

Authorities are continuing to investigate the incident, aiming to prevent similar accidents in the future and ensure the safety of individuals in the area. In the meantime, efforts to educate the public about the potential dangers and necessary precautions are ongoing, with a focus on promoting community safety and well-being in the midst of such hazards.