“cantaloupe salmonella outbreak ends with death of numerous and hospitalization of hundred” – wyoming news now

ATLANTA, GA – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that the cantaloupe salmonella outbreak, which resulted in multiple deaths and hundreds of hospitalizations, has come to an end. The outbreak was traced back to contaminated cantaloupes, leading to widespread illness across several states.

The outbreak, which began in November, resulted in a total of 260 reported cases of salmonella poisoning across 24 states. Out of those cases, 94 people were hospitalized, and unfortunately, there were two reported deaths linked to the outbreak. Investigations by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed that the contaminated cantaloupes were supplied by a distributor in California.

Salmonella poisoning can cause symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps, and it can be particularly dangerous for young children, elderly individuals, and those with weakened immune systems. The CDC issued a warning to consumers to discard any cantaloupe produced by the affected distributor and to thoroughly clean any surfaces that may have come into contact with the contaminated fruit.

In response to the outbreak, the distributor issued a voluntary recall of all cantaloupes shipped from the affected source and took steps to improve the safety of their products. The CDC has since confirmed that the outbreak has ended and that the contaminated cantaloupes are no longer in circulation.

While the outbreak has been declared over, health officials continue to emphasize the importance of safe food handling and consumption practices to prevent similar incidents in the future. Consumers are advised to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consumption and to store them separately from raw meats to avoid cross-contamination.

The CDC’s swift action in identifying and containing the cantaloupe salmonella outbreak underscores the critical role of public health agencies in safeguarding the well-being of the population. The cooperation between federal, state, and local authorities was instrumental in addressing the outbreak and preventing further spread of the illness.