Bexar County Jail Chief Steps Down After Series of Inmate Deaths

SAN ANTONIO, Texas – The Bexar County jail chief has resigned from his position in the midst of concerns over multiple inmate deaths. The resignation comes as the jail faces scrutiny and criticism for the deaths of several inmates.

Sheriff Javier Salazar confirmed the resignation of the jail’s chief Tuesday, stating that the move was made in light of the recent incidents involving inmate deaths. Salazar expressed his disappointment over the deaths and emphasized the need for change within the jail. The sheriff also mentioned that an interim chief would be appointed while they search for a permanent replacement.

The resigning chief, Jaime Rios, has held the position for the past two years and was in charge during the time of the inmate deaths. His resignation follows an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of multiple inmates in the county jail.

There have been six inmate deaths in the Bexar County jail since the beginning of the year, prompting public outcry and demands for accountability from officials. The deaths have raised concerns about the conditions and treatment of inmates within the jail and have sparked calls for a thorough review of the jail’s policies and procedures.

In response to the resignations and the outcry from the public, Sheriff Salazar has vowed to implement reforms within the jail. The sheriff emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety and well-being of all inmates and stated that the department is committed to addressing and rectifying the issues that have led to the recent deaths.

The circumstances surrounding the deaths of the inmates remain under investigation as officials work to determine the causes and identify any potential systemic issues within the jail. Local activists and organizations have also been vocal in calling for transparency and accountability from the sheriff’s department and the county jail. As the community waits for answers and meaningful change, the county continues to navigate the aftermath of the multiple inmate deaths.