Attorney General’s Misguided Investigation Links DEI to Hazelwood School District Attack

St. Louis, Missouri – Missouri’s Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, recently launched an investigation into the Hazelwood School District to determine if Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs played a role in a violent attack that left 16-year-old student Kaylee Gain severely injured. The incident occurred off campus after school hours, sparking concerns about racial undertones due to the involvement of another Black teenage girl from the same school.

Bailey’s press release on the matter raised questions about how the school district’s DEI initiatives may have contributed to the attack. However, police investigations found no evidence linking the incident to DEI teachings. In fact, police reports indicated that the attack had no racial motivations, debunking claims made by Bailey regarding the influence of DEI programs.

The Attorney General’s accusations against the school district were met with pushback from law enforcement officials and community members. St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell criticized Bailey’s approach, stating that political posturing could jeopardize the fairness of any potential trial resulting from the incident. Congresswoman Cori Bush also condemned Bailey’s actions, calling them exploitative and dangerous to the affected community.

Despite Bailey’s claims, school administrators and police departments have highlighted discrepancies in his arguments. The presence of School Resource Officers (SROs) in Hazelwood schools, a point of contention in Bailey’s investigation, was influenced by decisions made by police chiefs rather than solely by the school district. Additionally, recent developments have seen SROs returning to certain schools within the district, indicating a shift in the relationship between law enforcement and education authorities.

In response to Bailey’s investigation, Hazelwood officials reiterated their commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the school district. They maintained that fostering an inclusive environment is vital for the well-being of all community members, emphasizing that their values are non-negotiable. However, Bailey’s actions have raised concerns about the politicization of safety measures in schools and the potential repercussions on students and staff members.

As the investigation unfolds, questions remain about the motives behind Bailey’s probe and the implications for the Hazelwood School District. With conflicting accounts from various stakeholders, the community awaits further clarity on the situation and hopes for a resolution that prioritizes the safety and welfare of students above all else.