A Tragic Tale: New details emerge on Maine mass shooter’s mental health struggles

LEWISTON, Maine – Newly released bodycam footage has shed light on the concerning behavior of Robert Card, the perpetrator of the deadliest mass shooting in Maine’s history.

The chilling footage shows Card being questioned by state police after fellow soldiers dialed 911 over fears that he was capable of committing a violent act. The footage captured Card stating, “I am capable,” a disturbing remark indicating his potential for carrying out harm.

Card, a reservist, went on a shooting rampage in Lewiston, Maine, killing 18 people and wounding 13 at a bowling alley and a bar in October of last year. His body was later found at a recycling facility in Lisbon, where he died by suicide.

The bodycam footage revealed red flags in Card’s mental health, with concerns raised by his fellow reservists months before the shooting. In the video, Card expressed paranoia and distress, leading to an altercation and concerns about his well-being. His behavior, weight loss, and obsession with firearms were noted by his colleagues, prompting them to take action and ensure his hospitalization for evaluation.

These unsettling revelations have prompted an ongoing investigation into potential missed opportunities that could have prevented the devastating massacre. A commission is delving into the events leading up to the shooting, with a written report expected in the coming months.

The release of the bodycam footage has also reignited discussions about the role of the law enforcement, legal, and mental health systems in addressing individuals with concerning behavior. In response to the footage, attorneys for the victims have raised questions about the failure to restrict Card’s access to firearms, despite clear indicators of his deteriorating mental state.

The harrowing incident has underscored the importance of addressing mental health concerns promptly and effectively, raising critical questions about intervention and support for individuals at risk of harming themselves and others. As the investigation continues and the community grapples with the aftermath of the tragedy, the significance of proactive measures to prevent similar occurrences in the future remains at the forefront of public dialogue.