Man Who Survived Barbershop Shooting Dies Unexpectedly, Complicating Trial Testimony

CARLISLE, PA – Anthony White faced a harrowing ordeal when he was shot multiple times while trying to escape a gunman outside the GQ Barbershop on May 20, 2021. Surviving the attack, White later bravely testified against the alleged shooter, Michael Baltimore, in a preliminary hearing for the murder of Kendall Cook, a former boss who was killed during the ambush inside the barbershop.

Tragically, White’s unexpected death on June 3, under unknown circumstances, complicates the trial as his testimony was crucial in identifying Baltimore as the shooter. The cause and manner of White’s death at the age of 44 are still pending, with the death investigation ongoing.

At a pre-trial hearing for Michael Baltimore, who has been in custody awaiting trial, prosecutors seek the death penalty. They filed a motion to use White’s recorded testimony from the preliminary hearing since he can no longer testify. Additionally, prosecutors are looking into any potential connection between White’s death and the Baltimore case.

During the preliminary hearing, White vividly recalled the events leading up to the shooting, identifying Baltimore as the masked man who opened fire at the barbershop, based on his eyes and distinctive walk. He described a phone call he received that led to Cook’s fatal encounter with the shooter, highlighting the chilling moments before the attack unfolded.

White’s detailed testimony shed light on the events of that fateful day, providing critical evidence for the case against Baltimore. His sudden passing has cast a shadow over the trial proceedings, prompting legal discussions on how to proceed without his live testimony.

As legal proceedings unfold, defense counsel for Baltimore has filed a motion for a change of venue, citing concerns about securing an impartial jury due to the case’s publicity. The judge has scheduled hearings to address this motion and review the admissibility of evidence for the upcoming trial.

The community awaits justice for Kendall Cook and closure for Anthony White’s untimely passing, as legal battles continue in the aftermath of the tragic events at the GQ Barbershop.