Woman Beaten Unconscious by 12-Year-Olds at Train Station.

EDMONTON, AB – In a shocking incident that has left the city of Edmonton stunned, two girls, both aged 12, have been charged with aggravated assault following a violent attack on a 55-year-old woman. The assault occurred at the Coliseum Light Rail Transit (LRT) station, a popular public transit hub in the city.

According to the Edmonton Police, the incident unfolded on the evening of November 26th. The victim, a 55-year-old woman, was reportedly waiting for her train when the two young girls approached her. What started as verbal abuse quickly escalated into physical violence, leaving the woman unconscious and critically injured.

The girls then fled the scene, disappearing into the night. However, the police were able to locate and apprehend them a short distance away from the station. The girls have since been charged with aggravated assault, a severe offense that reflects the severity of the woman’s injuries.

The woman was rushed to a local hospital, and she remains in critical condition. She has sustained significant head and facial injuries as a result of the assault. The police are now appealing to the public for any witnesses of the incident to come forward and provide their statements.

This incident is not isolated but a part of a more significant, more concerning trend. According to a recent report by Statistics Canada, violent crimes committed by individuals under the age of 18 have been on the rise. In 2022 alone, youths committed 90 murders, a shocking increase from the 33 recorded the previous year and significantly higher than the 10-year average of 39.

The report also sheds light on an alarming trend of crimes involving multiple youths. In 2022, 19 incidents involved two or more youths accused of homicide. This figure is almost four times the average number of incidents recorded in the previous decade.

Equally concerning is the rise of “swarming” attacks across Canada. These attacks, as explained by Toronto Police Homicide Detective Sergeant Terry Browne, involve a group of individuals collaborating in a mob-like mentality. This trend has been particularly noticeable in major Canadian cities. In Toronto, for instance, four 13-year-old boys were recently charged after public transit employees were attacked.

These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for effective interventions to address youth crime in Canada. As the Edmonton assault case demonstrates, the consequences of such crimes can be devastating, not only for the victims but also for the communities in which they occur.