Violent Attack on Foreign Muslim Students Leads to Arrests at Gujarat University

AHMEDABAD, INDIA – Police in the state of Gujarat in Western India have apprehended five individuals in connection with a violent assault on international students at Gujarat University. The attack occurred as the students, hailing from various nations, were observing special prayers during the holy month of Ramadan outside their university hostel. The incident left several students injured, with two individuals from Sri Lanka and Tajikistan requiring hospitalization due to severe injuries sustained in the attack.

The assault is viewed as a setback to the Indian government’s ‘Study in India’ initiative, which seeks to attract international students to premier educational institutions in the country. Gujarat State, where the university is located, has also been working towards enticing foreign university branches to its business district, GIFT City. The violence at Gujarat University has raised concerns about the safety and security of foreign students studying in India.

Ahmedabad Police Commissioner GS Malik disclosed that approximately 300 foreign students are enrolled at Gujarat University, with around 75 students participating in prayers outside their hostel when the attackers disrupted the gathering. The assailants, reportedly upset over the public prayers, engaged in physical violence, stone-throwing, and vandalism of the students’ rooms. The lack of a mosque on campus necessitated the students to pray in designated hostel areas, a practice that had been permitted by the university in recent years.

Videos circulating on social media captured the chaos at Gujarat University, showing attackers hurling stones and chanting religious slogans. The Ministry of External Affairs in India responded to the incident, assuring strict action against the perpetrators. In light of the security breach, the university administration announced measures to enhance security on campus and protect the international student community.

Gujarat University, established in 1949, is renowned for its academic excellence, boasting a sizable student body across various affiliated colleges. Following the attack, the Vice-Chancellor of the university pledged to relocate the affected international students to a safer hostel within three days. The university also established a committee to address the grievances of foreign students and bolster security measures on campus.

While authorities have taken steps to improve security, some international students expressed lingering fears and concerns about their safety within the university premises. The incident has stirred apprehension among the foreign student community, who emphasized the need for a thorough investigation and swift accountability for the perpetrators. The attack on the international students has sparked condemnations from various quarters, calling for justice and upholding the principles of tolerance and pluralism in the country.