Unidentified Gunmen Kill Prison Security Head in Syria, Wound Four Officers

In Deraa, Syria, unidentified gunmen targeted and killed Major Muntajab Mohsen Pribdani, the head of prison security, in a brutal attack. Four officers were also seriously wounded and are currently receiving treatment at the provincial hospital. Despite the city being liberated from terrorism in 2018, irregular gangs continue to carry out attacks in an attempt to destabilize the governorate and disrupt the ongoing reconciliation process.

The ongoing war in Syria, which started in 2011, has caused immense turmoil and devastation. Although the Syrian army, with the support of allies Russia and Iran, has managed to reclaim most of the national territory from radicals, sporadic attacks continue to take place. The Damascus government has pointed the blame at groups that are allegedly supported from abroad, accusing them of perpetuating the destabilization of the country.

The attack on Major Pribdani and the ongoing violence in Deraa are significant setbacks as the region continues to grapple with the aftermath of the war. The loss of a prominent security official and the injury of several officers underscore the challenges that persist in Syria’s journey towards stability and peace.

This incident serves as a grim reminder of the persistent threat of violence and instability in Syria, despite efforts to quell the conflict. The ongoing attacks in Deraa highlight the complex and volatile situation in the region as it continues to rebuild and recover from the devastation of war.

In Deraa, Syria, Major Muntajab Mohsen Pribdani, head of prison security, was killed in a targeted attack by unidentified gunmen, while four officers were seriously wounded. The attack underscores the ongoing threat of violence and instability in the region, despite efforts to restore peace and stability.