Hathras, India – Tragedy struck at a private religious event in Uttar Pradesh when a sudden stampede claimed the lives of dozens, officials said Tuesday. The incident, which took place in the Sikandra Rao area of Hathram’s Mughal Garhi village, occurred at the close of a gathering led by Narayan Sakaar Hari, a self-styled spiritual leader popularly known as Bhole Baba.
Preliminary reports from local authorities estimate that between 50 to 60 people have perished, with varying numbers reported in neighboring regions. In the adjacent Etah district, police confirmed 27 deaths, which included 23 women and a child. The total death toll is feared to increase as further details emerge.
Chaos ensued at a local hospital where numerous bodies were seen, igniting anger among the local population. Several residents directed their anguish towards the police and local government, accusing them of inadequate preparation and slow response to the crisis. Footage circulating on social media showed an emotional scene outside the hospital, with one man lamenting the lack of immediate medical attention which purportedly led to further fatalities.
Eyewitnesses described a scene of panic as attendees attempted to leave the site after the event. “It was very crowded…there was no space to stand, people were pushing each other and suddenly people started falling,” one of the attendees reported to a local journalist.
Narayan Sakaar Hari, who has a significant following particularly within the Dalit community, is known for preaching ideals of human unity and love. Prior to becoming a spiritual figure, Hari worked in the state’s intelligence service. His events, which he calls “Manav Mangal Milan Sadhbhavna Samagam,” aim to promote social harmony.
Authorities are trying to ascertain the specific causes of the stampede. Preliminary indications suggest that the uneven road at the venue compounded the chaos as the crowd disbanded. Shakuntala Devi, an eyewitness, attributed the tragedy to the poor condition of the exit paths.
Hathras Deputy Commissioner Ashish Kumar mentioned that extreme humidity might have exacerbated the situation as people hurried to leave the area. Local administration claimed to have provided appropriate security for the gathering, but admitted that the internal arrangements were the responsibility of the event organizers.
Senior police and government officials have taken an active role in responding to the disaster. The State Minister Sandeapon Singh, delegated by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath to oversee the situation, highlighted the increasing count of victims as the rescue operations continued. Adityanath has also directed top state officials to assist with the relief efforts and announced an investigation headed by the Additional Director General of Agra and the Commissioner of Aligarh.
Express:ing profound sorrow over the incident, Chief Minister Adityanath described the loss of life as “extremely sad and heart-wrenching” and committed to supporting the affected families during this difficult time. The investigation into the event’s organization and crowd management practices is ongoing, as authorities strive to prevent such incidents in the future.