Tragic Mass Killing Leaves 6 Dead, Including 4 Children, in Ottawa Suburb

Ottawa, Canada – Six lives were tragically lost in a devastating incident that shook the quiet suburb of Barrhaven in Ottawa. The heinous act, involving a mother, her four young children, and a family acquaintance, has left the community reeling from the unimaginable loss. The suspect, 19-year-old Febrio De-Zoysa, faces charges of six counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder, marking a dark chapter in the city’s history.

According to Ottawa police Chief Eric Stubbs, the gruesome discovery unfolded late Wednesday night following two distressing calls to 911. Emergency responders swiftly arrived at the townhouse on Berrigan Drive, only to witness a scene of horror and tragedy. Among the victims were a family of newcomers to Canada from Sri Lanka, identified as Darshani Banbaranayake Gama Walwwe Darshani Dilanthika Ekanyake, along with her young children and a family friend.

As the investigation unfolds, questions surrounding the motive behind the killings linger, with authorities ruling out intimate partner violence. The use of an “edged weapon” in the homicides has been confirmed by Stubbs, dispelling initial reports of a mass shooting. The shocking incident has left the city in mourning, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressing his shock and calling for community support for the grieving families.

The profound impact of the tragedy has extended beyond the immediate neighborhood, prompting an outpouring of support from local officials and residents. Nepean MPP Lisa MacLeod and Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe have both conveyed their condolences and disbelief at the senseless violence that befell Barrhaven. The community continues to grapple with the aftermath of the horrific event, as grief counselors provide support to those affected by the tragedy.

Despite the darkness that has descended upon Barrhaven, the community remains resilient, rallying together to offer solace and solidarity in the face of such profound loss. As details continue to emerge, the city of Ottawa stands united in mourning and remembrance for the lives taken too soon in this heartbreaking tragedy.