Toronto Couple Found Guilty in Murder Plot After 2021 Botched Ambush in Stoney Creek

Hamilton, Ontario – A jury in Hamilton has delivered a verdict of guilty for Oliver Karafa and Lucy Li for the first-degree murder of Tyler Pratt and the attempted murder of Jordyn Romano in 2021. The emotional courtroom scene erupted in cheers from Romano’s friends and family, as well as Pratt’s relatives present. Romano, overcome with emotion, embraced her mother as the verdict was read. Neither Karafa nor Li displayed any emotion as they received their sentence. The jury’s decision came swiftly after less than a day of deliberation.

The Superior Court Justice, Harrison Arrell, handed down an automatic life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years, deeming the crimes committed by Karafa and Li as among the most heinous acts of violence. Romano and Pratt, innocent and unarmed, fell victim to a meticulously planned murder plot orchestrated by the two defendants. Romano, who miraculously survived the attack despite being shot in the chest, was 13 weeks pregnant at the time, and tragically, the fetus did not survive.

The sinister plan was set in motion when Karafa and Li, under the guise of a business opportunity, lured Pratt and Romano to a warehouse in Stoney Creek, Ontario. Prosecutor Mark Dean effectively argued that Karafa and Li meticulously staged the events, even going as far as creating false alibis and disposing of vehicles to cover their tracks after the failed attempt to kill Romano. The trial exposed the carefully crafted scheme that ultimately unraveled when Romano survived and sought help after being shot.

Karafa’s lawyer, Peter Zudak, attempted to defend his client’s actions by claiming there was no premeditation involved in the shooting. However, the evidence presented during the trial painted a different picture, showcasing the calculated and callous nature of the murder plot. Romano’s brave testimony provided crucial insight into the horrifying ordeal she endured and the aftermath of the attack.

As Romano continues to recover physically and mentally, she bravely shared her story in court, expressing the ongoing challenges she faces. Her resilience and courage in the face of such a traumatic experience serve as a testament to her strength. Meanwhile, Pratt’s family mourned the loss of a beloved father, son, and brother, remembering him fondly as a caring and dedicated individual. The tragic outcome of this senseless act of violence has left indelible scars on all those affected by the heinous crimes of Oliver Karafa and Lucy Li.