Teenager Declared Competent to Stand Trial for Assault on Boston School Principal

BOSTON, Massachusetts – A 19-year-old woman, Laurette LaRouge, has been deemed competent to stand trial for a violent assault on a Boston school principal that took place when she was 16 years old. The incident occurred at the Dr. William W. Henderson Inclusion School in Dorchester back in November 2021. Boston Public Schools Superintendent Brenda Cassellius confirmed that the assault happened during dismissal at the school’s Upper Campus, resulting in the principal sustaining serious injuries including a concussion, possible rib fracture, and facial and head swelling as per a police report. That report also mentioned that the teenager’s mother had threatened the principal the night before the assault.

Judge Peter Coyne’s ruling declaring LaRouge competent for trial followed testimony from a court clinician regarding her mental state. The Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s office named LaRouge as the student involved in the incident. A change of plea hearing for the case is set for March 29. The Dr. William W. Henderson K-12 Inclusion School caters to a diverse student population from different ethnic, linguistic, and ability backgrounds. Students with disabilities are educated alongside their non-disabled peers in general education classrooms.

LaRouge’s case has raised concerns about school safety and support for students with behavioral challenges. It underscores the importance of implementing effective intervention strategies and providing adequate resources for students in need. The assault serves as a reminder of the significant impact incidents of violence can have on school communities and the urgent need for preventive measures. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to such behavior, schools can create a safer and more inclusive environment for all students.

The location of the Henderson Upper Campus at 18 Croftland Ave. in Boston’s Dorchester neighborhood, along with the Lower Campus at 1669 Dorchester Ave, plays a role in understanding the context of the assault. The community’s response to the incident and the legal proceedings surrounding LaRouge’s case shed light on the complexities of youth violence and the challenges faced by educators and law enforcement in addressing such issues effectively. As the trial unfolds, it will be crucial to examine the circumstances that led to the assault and explore ways to prevent similar incidents in the future.