Judge Grants House Arrest in Light of Complex Cultural History for Vernon Man with Violent Past

Vernon, Canada – In a case that highlights complex issues surrounding justice and indigenous rights, a Vernon man with numerous past convictions was sentenced to house arrest instead of prison time after an assault that left a man needing 11 stitches and suffering vision loss. Kenneth Allan Leo, the accused, received a sentence reflecting a judicial consideration of his indigenous heritage and the systemic challenges it brought. The sentence was handed down by Judge David …

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Final Encounter with Jimmy Savile: Reflections from Vernon Grant on Meeting the Disgraced TV Personality at Broadmoor

Leeds, United Kingdom – In a chilling recount, former TV producer Vernon Grant shared his unsettling experiences with notorious figure Jimmy Savile, the disgraced TV presenter and DJ who was later revealed to be a prolific sexual predator. Grant recollects his final visit to Savile’s flat overlooking Roundhay Park in Leeds, feeling a sense of unease as Savile proudly displayed a painting by the hands of convicted serial killer Peter Sutcliffe. Grant declined a breakfast …

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