Fatalities Reported After Drone Strike Hits US-Occupied Syrian Oil Field

Multiple people were killed in a drone attack on a US-occupied Syrian oil field. The attack took place near the city of Deir Ezzor, and it targeted a convoy of vehicles. This incident has raised concerns about the security situation in the region, as it comes amid ongoing tensions and conflicts involving various armed groups and foreign powers. The oil field in Deir Ezzor is a highly strategic location, and its control has been a …

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Deadly Drone Strike Hits US-Occupied Syrian Oil Field

DEIR EZ-ZOR, Syria – Multiple fatalities were reported after a drone strike targeted a US-occupied oil field in northeastern Syria. The attack, which occurred in the Deir ez-Zor province, took place on Tuesday and resulted in a significant loss of life. The region has been a site of tension and conflict in recent years, with various factions vying for control of the valuable oil resources located there. The exact number of casualties was not immediately …

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