Widower’s Decade Long Campaign for Tougher Laws on Dangerous Cyclists Nears Victory

London, England – Matt Briggs, a widower who tragically lost his wife Kim in a fatal accident involving a reckless cyclist, has been advocating for changes in the law to hold dangerous cyclists accountable for nearly a decade. His relentless campaign stems from the devastating loss of his wife, who was fatally struck by a cyclist riding an illegal bike in 2016. Since the tragic incident, Mr. Briggs has been pushing for stricter penalties for …

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Utah Lawmakers Push for Tougher Penalties for DUI Fatalities, Prompting Emotional Testimony from Victims’ Families

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – Lawmakers in Utah took the first step on Monday towards imposing longer prison sentences for drunk drivers who cause fatal accidents. The proposed legislation would increase the minimum sentence from one to fifteen years to five to fifteen years. The bill, known as House Bill 273, received its first hearing at the Capitol, drawing the attention of individuals who have lost loved ones to drunk driving incidents. One of those …

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mother campaigns for tougher sentences after daughter’s tragic death at the hands of a violent ex-boyfriend

Calne, Wiltshire – A mother’s relentless campaign for justice for women killed by men has shed light on the dangerous nature of ending a relationship. Carole Gould’s 17-year-old daughter, Ellie, was tragically killed by her ex-boyfriend, shining a spotlight on the perils faced by women in similar situations. Gould’s daughter was strangled and stabbed to death by her partner after she ended their relationship, sparking her mother’s advocacy for tougher sentences for murderers who kill …

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Nashville Leaders Advocate for Tougher Animal Cruelty Laws in Davidson County

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Metro Council leaders in Nashville, Tennessee are advocating for changes to animal cruelty laws in Davidson County. The push for change is in response to the growing concern for animal welfare in the area. Advocates believe that strengthening animal cruelty laws will help protect pets and wildlife from abuse and neglect. Local animal sanctuaries and rescue organizations are supporting the effort to update existing legislation. Lavonne Redferrin, a spokesperson for Proverbs 12:10 …

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