Nurse’s Drug Diversion Leads to Alleged Tap Water Fatalities at Oregon Hospital

MEDFORD, Oregon – A nurse at Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Oregon is suspected of tampering with medication, resulting in the deaths of approximately ten patients. The allegations were reported by NBC5, based on information from several anonymous sources. The nurse allegedly substituted medication with tap water as a cover-up for misusing fentanyl, a pain medication. According to NBC5, the use of non-sterile tap water led to Pseudomonas infections in patients who were injected …

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Fentanyl Drug Diversion: Oregon Hospital Patients Die from Tap Water Injections

MEDFORD, Oregon – A criminal investigation is underway at an Oregon hospital following the deaths of multiple patients. According to NBC5 News, the deaths were reportedly caused by infections resulting from tap water injections that were substituted for fentanyl. Fentanyl is a commonly diverted drug and one of the most dangerous opioids. The Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Medford is the subject of the investigation, as police look into at least one patient’s death. …

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