durham gas explosion: Resilience and Strength Five Years Later

Durham, North Carolina – The impact of the gas explosion that devastated downtown Durham five years ago still lingers in the memories of those who witnessed the tragedy. The incident, which claimed the lives of two individuals and injured many others, occurred when a crew accidentally struck a gas line while installing cables in the Brightleaf District on North Duke Street. The leaking gas eventually ignited inside a coffee shop, resulting in a powerful explosion …

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Family of Slain Kum & Go Employee Finds Strength in Healing After Tragic Shooting

Springfield, Missouri – The tragic shooting that took place at a Kum & Go convenience store in Springfield on March 15, 2020, not only claimed the lives of several individuals but also left lasting scars on the families of the victims. Troy Rapp, a 57-year-old employee at the store, was one of the victims of the mass shooting that night, which also resulted in the death of Springfield Police Officer Christopher Walsh, WCA Employee Shannon …

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