Deadly Tornado Devastates Southwestern Iowa City

Greenfield, Iowa is grappling with immense devastation following a series of severe storms, including a destructive tornado. Governor Kim Reynolds expressed the state’s focus on search and rescue efforts, noting the difficulty in determining the exact number of fatalities caused by the storm. The tornado struck Greenfield, unleashing wind gusts of up to 165 mph that obliterated buildings and homes. The city of about 2,000 people bore the brunt of the tornado’s wrath, with images …

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Major Destruction in Southwestern Iowa as Tornado Leaves Town Devastated

Greenfield, Iowa grappled with the aftermath of a destructive tornado and severe storms that swept through the state, leaving devastation and an uncertain number of deaths in their wake. Governor Kim Reynolds expressed the state’s focus on search and rescue efforts, while acknowledging the heartbreaking impact on the affected communities. The city of Greenfield took a significant hit as survey teams estimated the tornado had wind gusts reaching up to 165 mph, resulting in widespread …

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