HCC Burn Tower Business Shifts Responsibility in Explosion Legal Battle

Waynesville, North Carolina – A company facing a lawsuit over an explosion at a burn tower in Haywood County is pushing back against claims of responsibility. The company, HCC Burn Tower Company, is under scrutiny for the incident that occurred during a training exercise, resulting in injuries to several individuals. The explosion allegedly occurred due to a malfunction in the equipment used during the exercise. The plaintiffs in the lawsuit argue that the company failed …

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Analysis Shows Significant Shifts in Drug Overdose Deaths in West Virginia from 2017-2021

Charleston, West Virginia – The preliminary 2021 drug overdose statistics for West Virginia underscore the ongoing and concerning trend of overdose deaths in the state. These numbers, while not final, provide valuable insights into the impact of drug overdoses on the population. The figures, compiled by the Health Statistics Center in September 2022, highlight the complex nature of drug overdose deaths, as most cases involve multiple substances present at the time of death. From 2017 …

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