Risky Medical Tourism Strains NHS as Brits Face Surgery Complications Abroad

Belfast, Northern Ireland — Rising concerns over the consequences of medical tourism have come to the forefront as UK nationals seeking cheaper medical procedures abroad often return with complications that burden the National Health Service (NHS), leading medical experts reported at the British Medical Association’s annual meeting. The lure of affordable surgeries and shorter waiting times has increasingly led Britons to opt for medical interventions overseas, encouraged by aggressive marketing on social media platforms. However, …

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Study Finds Risky Sleep Habits Linked to Majority of Sudden Infant Deaths

A new study conducted in Salt Lake City, Utah has shed light on concerning findings regarding unsafe sleep practices contributing to Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths (SUID). The research revealed that a majority of these tragic deaths could be linked to various factors related to inadequate sleeping conditions for infants. The study, published recently, highlighted the prevalence of unsafe sleeping practices, such as placing infants in bed with adults, using soft bedding, and sleeping on non-approved …

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