Tragic Heatwave Claims Over 1000 Lives During Hajj Pilgrimage in Mecca

Mecca, Saudi Arabia – In an unprecedented tragedy, over one thousand Hajj pilgrims have succumbed to extreme heat in Mecca, raising significant concerns over climate impacts and public safety measures in one of the world’s largest annual religious gatherings. Authorities reported that temperatures soared above 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit), creating perilous conditions for the millions gathered. The healthcare system was overwhelmed, with emergency services struggling to tend to heatstroke victims alongside their regular duties. …

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Tragic Heatwave at Hajj Pilgrimage Claims Hundreds of Lives Amid Soaring Temperatures

Mecca, Saudi Arabia — This year’s Hajj pilgrimage, a central pillar of Islam attended by millions, has been marred by a devastating rise in deaths, numbering nearly 480 according to the latest official tallies. However, unconfirmed reports and unofficial sources suggest the figure could be considerably higher, potentially doubling due to severe weather conditions and other complications. Reports indicate that up to 600 Egyptian pilgrims might have succumbed on their journey to Mecca as extreme …

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Tragic Heatwave Claims Over 550 Lives at Hajj Pilgrimage in Mecca

Mecca, Saudi Arabia – This year’s Hajj pilgrimage has been marred by extreme heat, with temperatures reaching a record 51.8 degrees Celsius (125 degrees Fahrenheit) in the sacred city of Mecca. Diplomatic sources from Egypt and Jordan have reported a significant number of heat-related fatalities among their nationals during the ritual, which drew around 1.8 million participants from across the globe. At least 550 pilgrims are confirmed dead, with Egyptian officials reporting the highest toll. …

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