Hospice Nurse Reveals Startling Phenomena Surrounding End-of-Life Experiences and Choices in New Book

Middletown, USA – Hospice nurse Julie shared a thought-provoking extract from her new book in the Daily Mail, recounting fascinating phenomena she encountered in her work. In the final installment of the serialisation, she delves into the stories of individuals who seemed to have control over the timing of their deaths. In one instance, a woman named Juanita surprised everyone by passing away shortly after appearing to be in good health. Her peaceful departure left …

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Unpredictable Nature: Understanding the Stochastic Phenomena of Our Society

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Curt Braddock, a communications expert at American University, likened the unpredictability of a storm to the random nature of lightning strikes: “(In a storm), lightning is going to strike … but you (can’t) predict (exactly) when and where.” This concept can be described using the term “stochastic,” which is commonly known to professionals in scientific and economic fields that deal with statistical interpretations. However, it can also apply to the social sciences, …

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