Texas Petrochemical Company Pleads Guilty to Violating Clean Air Act: Explosions Cause Millions in Damages

Port Neches, Texas – Texas Petrochemical Company (TPC Group) recently pleaded guilty to violating the Clean Air Act in connection with two explosions at its Port Neches plant in November 2019. The explosions left three workers injured and forced the evacuation of over 50,000 residents, with the impact felt up to 30 miles away. The company operates three plants along the Gulf Coast of the United States. An investigation by the US Department of Justice …

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Petrochemical Firm Braces for Significant Penalties Over 2019 Blasts in Texas

Houston, Texas – A petrochemical company is facing substantial fines for the explosions that occurred in 2019, causing widespread damage in Texas. The incidents have prompted scrutiny over safety measures within the industry, highlighting the need for more stringent regulations to prevent similar disasters in the future. The explosions, which took place in a petrochemical plant, resulted in significant environmental damage and raised concerns about the potential risks posed by such facilities. The company’s negligence …

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Petrochemical Company Slapped with $30 Million Fine for 2019 Explosions Near Houston

Houston, Texas – A petrochemical company based near Houston has been hit with a hefty fine of over $30 million for the devastating explosions that rocked the area in 2019. The explosions, which occurred at a refinery, resulted in widespread damages and raised concerns about the safety practices within the company. The penalties imposed on the company serve as a stern warning to industries handling hazardous materials to prioritize safety measures and adhere to regulations …

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