Rebel Groups in Mali Accuse National Army and Russian Paramilitary Forces of Civilian Killings

Bamako, Mali – Rebel groups in Mali have leveled accusations against the country’s national army and the Wagner Group, a Russian paramilitary organization, of causing civilian casualties during recent military operations. The Permanent Strategic Framework for the Defense of the People of Azawad (CSP-DPA), representing armed Tuareg rebel factions, alleges that these forces deliberately targeted civilians in the northern part of the country, resulting in a significant number of deaths and injuries. The lack of …

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Police Investigate Possible Paramilitary Links in Brutal Attack Leaving Victim with Life-Changing Injuries

Bushmills, County Antrim – Police in Northern Ireland are investigating potential paramilitary connections in the wake of a horrific attack that left a young man severely injured. The victim, in his twenties, was discovered with nails driven into both hands and facial injuries in the Dundarave Park area. He was swiftly taken to the hospital for urgent treatment early on Sunday. Following the attack, two vans, including one owned by the victim, were found ablaze …

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