Tragic Outburst in Kano: One Dead, Officers Wounded as Police Confront Armed Hoodlums

Kano, Nigeria — A severe incident rocked the Jaen Makera quarters of Kano, where suspected assailants launched a deadly attack, resulting in the death of one individual and injuries to two police officers. The violence erupted amidst ongoing efforts to maintain peace and order in the region. The recently appointed Commissioner of Police, Usaini Gumel, in his statement, detailed the assault that took place late Wednesday. He identified the fatality as Muktar Garba, known locally …

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Mosque explosion in Kano State leaves 24 critically injured and suspect in custody

Kano State, Nigeria – A tragic early morning explosion in a mosque at Gadan Village, Gezawa, Kano State left at least 24 individuals critically injured on Wednesday. The incident occurred during the “Subhi Prayer,” as confirmed by the Public Relations Officer of the Kano Police Command, SP Abdullahi Haruna. Upon receiving reports of the explosion, Commissioner of Police CP Mohammed Usaini Gumel swiftly deployed the command’s combined teams, including explosive experts and Crime-Scene Policemen to …

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