Gunman Researched JFK Assassination Details Prior to Attempt on Trump

Washington, D.C. — New revelations have emerged regarding the gunman who planned a shooting targeting former President Donald Trump. Investigation details indicate that prior to the attack, the perpetrator conducted online searches about the distance between Lee Harvey Oswald and President John F. Kennedy during the 1963 assassination, raising concerns about the preparation involved in this thwarted act of violence. Authorities disclosed that digital evidence collected from devices owned by the assailant showed a disturbing …

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Renowned Pathologist and JFK Assassination Expert Dr. Cyril Wecht Passes Away at 93

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Renowned pathologist and attorney Dr. Cyril Wecht, known for his controversial views on high-profile deaths such as President John F. Kennedy’s, passed away at the age of 93. Wecht’s career took off in 1964, when he was asked to review the Warren Commission’s report on Kennedy’s assassination, ultimately leading him to challenge the findings and advocate for the existence of multiple shooters. Wecht’s dedication to disproving the Commission’s conclusion of a single …

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Renowned Pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht Passes Away at 93, Known for Controversial Views on JFK Assassination

PITTSBURGH, PA – Dr. Cyril Wecht, a prominent pathologist and attorney known for his controversial views on high-profile deaths, passed away at the age of 93. Throughout his career, Wecht gained notoriety for his challenges to the official findings of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, suggesting the involvement of more than one shooter. Wecht’s unconventional stance on the matter often drew attention and scrutiny from both prosecutors and the public. Wecht’s legacy extends beyond his …

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Renowned Pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht Passes Away at Age 93 After Controversial JFK Assassination Claims

PITTSBURGH, PA – Dr. Cyril Wecht, a renowned pathologist known for his controversial stance on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, has passed away at the age of 93. Wecht, a prominent figure in the field of forensic pathology, put forth the theory that multiple shooters were involved in the assassination of JFK, challenging the official account that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Throughout his career, Wecht gained recognition for his work in high-profile …

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