Heatwaves and Heartache: Over 900 Pilgrims Perish Amidst Scorching Hajj Conditions

Mecca, Saudi Arabia — Searing temperatures in Mecca contributed to a tragic toll during the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage, where at least 900 pilgrims from various countries succumbed, many to heat-related illnesses. This year’s events highlighted challenges in managing the massive annual gathering, which, despite modern advancements, still witnesses its share of calamities. The pilgrimage, a once-in-a-lifetime duty for financially and physically capable Muslims, concluded recently, underlining an urgent call for enhanced protective measures for the …

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Scorching Heat from North Africa Causes Deadly Heatwaves and Wildfires Across Southern Europe

As warm winds from North Africa swept across the Mediterranean, several southern European countries, including Greece, Cyprus, and Türkiye, have been grappling with severe heatwaves. These waves of torrid temperatures, which in many locales reached and exceeded 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), have triggered health emergencies, exacerbated wildfires, and even led to fatalities. In Greece, the relentless scorching heat turned deadly, claiming the lives of at least five tourists within just a few weeks. …

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