Eastern Kentucky Floods Leave Disputed Death Toll in Their Wake

Pikeville, Kentucky – In July 2022, eastern Kentucky experienced unprecedented rainfall, with over 14 inches of rain inundating rural counties in just five days. The deluge led to devastating flash floods, causing extensive damage to towns, roads, homes, and neighborhoods. The aftermath of the floods underscored a troubling issue – the lack of a consistent and reliable method to accurately count the number of deaths resulting from extreme weather events in the United States. Different …

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Deadly Floods Devastate Southern Brazil with Over 78 Confirmed Deaths and Thousands Displaced

Porto Alegre, Brazil – Severe flooding caused by heavy rains in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul has led to a tragic death toll of at least 78 people, as reported by local authorities on Sunday. The devastating floods have also displaced over 115,000 individuals in the affected region. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, along with key members of his cabinet, arrived in Rio Grande do Sul to coordinate rescue and reconstruction …

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