Uncovering the Intricate Moral Dilemmas in Classic Detective Fiction

London, England – In the world of classic detective fiction, where mysteries are neatly wrapped up in a country house library setting, Agatha Christie stood out for her moral ambiguities and clever social commentary. During the Golden Age of detective fiction between the world wars, Christie and her contemporaries posed complex questions about morality and justice. While their stories may seem conventional on the surface, beneath the clever mysteries lay profound reflections on the nature …

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New Historical Fiction Novel Delves into the Mystery of a Tragic Event in Missouri’s Past

West Plains, Missouri – A new historical fiction novel from author Michelle Collins Anderson delves into the enigmatic disaster that shook the community nearly a hundred years ago. Released on April 23, “The Flower Sisters” takes readers on a journey through the aftermath of a tragic event that left a lasting impact on the town of West Plains. Set in 1978, the novel follows 15-year-old Daisy Flowers as she uncovers the secrets of a devastating …

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