Unexploded WWII Bomb Evacuates Thousands in Plymouth: Bomb Squad Prepares for Removal

Plymouth, United Kingdom – Thousands of residents in Plymouth, United Kingdom, have been forced to evacuate their homes as bomb disposal experts prepare to remove an unexploded Second World War bomb discovered in a residential back garden. The discovery of the 500kg German bomb, known as an unexploded ordnance (UO), prompted Devon and Cornwall Police to declare a major incident, leading to the evacuation of over 3,000 people from properties within a 309-meter radius of …

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Transformer Explosion Evacuates The Lenox Hotel in Boston

BOSTON, MA – The Lenox Hotel in Boston was evacuated on Saturday due to a transformer explosion that caused excessive smoke throughout the building. The explosion occurred in the back of the hotel, but authorities stated that there was no fire as a result. Boston Fire Department is working to vent the building using multiple fans in the area. The fire department reported that high levels of Carbon Monoxide were detected in the building, but …

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Gas Leak Evacuates Daycare Before Explosion at DC Store Sparks Chaos

WASHINGTON, DC — A gas leak caused an explosion at a store next to a daycare center in Washington, DC on January 18. The daycare center was evacuated just minutes before the explosion occurred. Emergency crews received reports of the gas leak on Thursday morning, prompting the evacuation of buildings on the street. The Fire and EMS Chief John A Donnelly reported that the explosion occurred about 20 minutes after the first 911 call. The …

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