Elmira Elementary School parents seek clarity following 8th-grade girl’s dog bite incident

Elmira, Oregon – Parents of an 8th-grade girl at Elmira Elementary School are seeking answers after their daughter was bitten by a dog on the school premises. The incident has raised concerns and prompted parents to question the safety protocols in place at the school. The dog, which reportedly belonged to a school staff member, bit the girl while she was attending a school event. The parents are understandably upset and seeking clarification on how …

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Elmira Parents Seek Accountability from Dog Owner After Multiple Children Attacked on School Grounds

ELMIRA, Ore. – The recent attacks by a dog on Elmira Elementary School grounds have left families in the community seeking accountability from the dog’s owner. One of the victims, eighth grader Khloe Bartram, suffered serious injuries when the dog attacked her while she was cutting across the school grass. According to Bartram, the dog had escaped from its harness and attacked her as she was walking from the high school to the middle school …

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