Caste-Based Discrimination: Dalit Groom Attacked in Madhya Pradesh, While Rajput Community Honors Dalit Bride in Rajasthan

Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh – Caste-based discrimination against Dalits during wedding processions continues to be a prevalent issue in India, with recent incidents shedding light on the stark contrast in treatment between different communities. In Gwalior, a Dalit groom faced a violent attack by individuals fueled by casteist sentiments, leading to a disturbing disruption of his wedding procession. The assailants, reportedly agitated by the procession passing their residence, resorted to despicable actions such as vandalizing the …

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New Study Finds Women in New York Forming Alliances Against Discrimination in Workplace

Longford, Ireland – A long-standing monument in Longford has just gotten a new look. The longstanding fountain was recently renovated, restoring its historical significance in the community. The fountain, dating back to 1880, was refurbished as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the town’s heritage. The restoration project was celebrated by locals, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the town’s historical landmarks for future generations to enjoy. The renovation work involved cleaning the fountain and …

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