Shocking Hospital Ordeal Exposed During Victoria’s Truth-Telling Inquiry, Raises Serious Concerns Over Cultural Safety in Healthcare

Ballarat, Australia — A traumatic event at a local hospital involving Sissy Austin, a former member of the First Peoples’ Assembly, has sparked outrage and a formal investigation by the Victorian health department. Austin, 30, a Gunditjmara woman, was left to fend for herself at Ballarat Base Hospital after suffering severe head injuries from a violent assault during an afternoon run in the nearby forest. Following the assault which occurred early last year, Austin recounted …

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Judge Grants House Arrest in Light of Complex Cultural History for Vernon Man with Violent Past

Vernon, Canada – In a case that highlights complex issues surrounding justice and indigenous rights, a Vernon man with numerous past convictions was sentenced to house arrest instead of prison time after an assault that left a man needing 11 stitches and suffering vision loss. Kenneth Allan Leo, the accused, received a sentence reflecting a judicial consideration of his indigenous heritage and the systemic challenges it brought. The sentence was handed down by Judge David …

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Lemkin Institute Condemns Violent Attack on Armenian Quarter in East Jerusalem and Calls for Protection of Cultural Heritage

JERUSALEM, ISRAEL – The recent brutal attack on the Armenian Quarter in East Jerusalem has drawn strong condemnation from the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention. The attack, carried out by armed mobs associated with an Israeli-Australian businessman, has raised concerns about the protection of the cultural heritage of the Armenian Quarter and the safety of its residents. The violence on December 28, 2023, resulted in injuries to several Armenians, including a priest and students of …

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