Unconventional Brewery Bardo: From Peak Craft Beer Innovator to an Unpredictable Legacy in D.C.

Washington, D.C. — Amid a littered backdrop of forgotten furnishings and makeshift decor, Bardo stood as a testament to the unconventional in the craft beer scene. In a district known more for its historical monuments than its brewery innovations, Bardo was initially launched as an oddity, pushing the limits of both flavor and decorum since its inception. Its story offers a rich introspection into the ebb and flow of craft beer popularity in America, narrated …

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French Filmmaker Creates Stunning Macro Version of Trinity Nuclear Test Inspired by Christopher Nolan’s Craft

Paris, France – In a world where special effects dominate Hollywood, French filmmaker Thomas Blanchard took inspiration from Christopher Nolan’s commitment to in-camera effects in his upcoming film “Oppenheimer.” Blanchard, a macro video artist, created his own masterpiece titled “Trinity,” paying homage to Nolan’s dedication to practical effects. Using a variety of lenses and everyday items like alcohol inks, gold powder, magic candles, and an electric screwdriver, Blanchard captured the essence of the Trinity nuclear …

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