France Reduces Tramadol Pill Counts Amid Rising Addiction and Deaths

Paris, France – In a move to address the rising concerns over opioid addiction, especially related to the painkiller Tramadol, France has decided to halve the number of pills in a box from 30 to a maximum of 15. This decision follows recommendations from the country’s national medicine safety body, with smaller boxes already being distributed to pharmacies across the nation. President of the French pharmacists union, Philippe Besset, emphasized the importance of treating pain …

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Man Charged with Four Counts of First-Degree Murder in Stabbing Rampage

Rockford, Illinois – A tragic incident unfolded in Rockford, Illinois, as a 22-year-old man faces charges of first-degree murder for a vicious stabbing spree that claimed the lives of four individuals. The suspect, Christian Soto, will appear in court to face the charges and await a judge’s decision on his pre-trial detention. The attacks, which occurred on Wednesday, also left seven others injured, with three still hospitalized as of Thursday. The victims of the rampage …

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Study Shows Many COVID-19 Deaths Were Missed, Revealing Undercount in Official Federal Counts

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Nearly 1.2 million deaths in the United States have been attributed to COVID-19, but recent studies suggest that the actual numbers may be significantly higher. Excess mortality data indicates that many deaths possibly linked to the virus were not officially counted. While it remains uncertain whether these excess deaths were directly caused by COVID-19 or by other factors like disruptions in healthcare or socioeconomic challenges, new research sheds light on the extent …

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